Jul 11 Climate Change Connect Unit
Climate Change Connect Unit
Our second Connect Unit focused on the causes, effects, and issues relating to climate change. Called The Enduring Understanding, we explored the vital role we play in protecting and preserving our environment. As our population continues growing and putting increased pressure on valuable resources, we – as global ‘caretakers’ – must act responsibly to safeguard our planet for future generations.
We began by defining weather and climate and traced historical patterns in the DC area to compare with more recent weather systems and rising temperatures. Students explored the causes of global warming and the greenhouse gas effect by analyzing renewable vs. nonrenewable energy sources. We considered other sources, including the palm oil industry which contributes to deforestation, and the beef industry’s contribution to methane gas emissions.
The unit culminated in an intensive research paper on a related topic of each student’s choosing. We gathered and analyzed sources and fine tuned our writing process before drafting essays. Several topics included the effects of climate change on the southern ocean ecosystem, how melting permafrost is impacting the infrastructure of Arctic cities, and a comparative study on the differences of green living and carbon emissions for urban citizens versus rural citizens.